Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How Big is Our Creator?


Yahuah Elohim our GREAT Creator!

How big is our Creator?

Is He bigger than the whole world? Is He bigger than all the militaries of the world combined? Is He smarter than all the supercomputers combined? Is He able to listen to and answer all the prayers of His chosen ones?

How big is His heart? How big is His love? Does He have compassion and empathy on all He has made? Is He bigger than all the Scripture? Is He bigger than all the books ever written about Him? Is He a Vegan?

Do you know His true character? Do you know that He may not have been portrayed correctly by writers and scribes in the traditions of the "good book"? In fact, even Jeremiah, in the First Covenant (Old Testament), pointed out the fact that Scripture had already been changed.

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 8:8 (TS2009)

“How do you say, ‘We are wise, and the Torah of יהוה (Yahuah) is with us’? But look, the false pen of the scribe has worked falsehood."

And it is a known fact that Emperor Constantine hired men to change the Scripture, in 325 A.D., to suit his animal flesh eating habit.

All first believers were Vegans for 325 years.

Early followers were persecuted and killed from 64 AD until Constantine ordered an end to persecution in 313 A.D. 

Constantine had his "correctores" change Scripture. He planned to rule the whole world. Ultimate dictator. He removed the real names of our Creator and Messiah and changed them to "God," "Lord" and "Jesus."

I have compiled many verses, from cover to cover, which reveal a very different character of our Creator than is generally taught in seminaries, churches, Sunday schools and assemblies of Yah all over the world.

Does He know all the thoughts of all the people on the world? Does He know the plans of all the evil people of the world? Does He know which people following Him are Vegans and which are not? Which people are following the evil one (who loves eating flesh)? 

To quote some early leaders, they said
those who ate meat were "dining with devils."

Wonder with me, does He know, right this minute, which people have a heart to follow Him? Does He know which people have already sold their souls to the evil one? 

How Big is our Creator's mind?


The biggest, most powerful, fastest supercomputer made by man is "Frontier."

Frontier - fastest, most powerful, supercomputer in the world.

As of June 2024, the most powerful supercomputer in the world is Frontier. It’s located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, U.S. and boasts a staggering performance of 1,194 petaFLOPS (1.2 exaFLOPS). Frontier was built by supercomputing giant HPE Cray and became the first exascale computer globally when it went online in 2022. Scientists use it for various tasks, including cancer research, drug discovery, nuclear fusion, and modeling stellar explosions. 

Additionally, Europe is planning to complete its own exascale computer called JUPITER in the coming year, which could potentially become the most powerful computer worldwide

Exciting times for computational science! 

“Exascale” sounds like a science-fiction term, but it has a simple and very nonfictional definition: while a human brain can perform about one simple mathematical operation per second, an exascale computer can do at least one quintillion calculations in the time it takes to say, “One Mississippi.”

A computer capable of 1.2 exaFLOPS can perform one quintillion floating-point operations per second. To put that into perspective, imagine a billion people, each holding a billion calculators. If they all hit the equal sign at the same time, they’d execute one exaflop! 

Indiana University, home to the Big Red 200 and several other supercomputers, puts it this way: To match what an exaflop computer can do in just one second, you’d have to perform one calculation every second for 31,688,765,000 years.


Now ask, How many exaFLOPS is our Creator's mind capable of? I think you will answer "an infinite number." And you will be correct!


So, our Creator can listen to all our prayers at the same time! He is also capable of answering them all at the same time, or when and if He chooses to.

However, He says He will not even listen to your prayers if your hands are full of blood,

Yeshayah (Isaiah) 1:15 (TS2009)

“And when you spread out your hands, I hide My eyes from you; even though you make many prayers, I do not hear. Your hands have become filled with blood." 

How many times have you thought "I'm going to pray, but will He hear me?" Go Vegetarian or Go Vegan.

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Would you like to start following The Way so your prayers can be heard and answered?

Would you like to start reading a Real Names Scripture to see what our Creator really says?

Read & subscribe to my Church for Christian Vegans blog.

Check out my Assembly of Yahuah Vegans group.

See about pigs in the Philippines.

See what a child says about eating animals.

Mattithyahu (Matthew) 18:3 (TS2009)

"and said, 'Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become as little children, you shall by no means enter into the reign of the heavens.'"

Find out about Vegetarianism in the Philippines.


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This post may be expanded upon. Check back for more information about How Big is Our Creator? Uploaded July 17, 2024.