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Locations of Money Changers
In the Philippines there are "money changers" everywhere.
Some require you to fill out forms with a lot information about you.
Some require no information. I prefer the latter, it's a lot less hassle.
In or near most malls there will be money changer stores.
The rates you get at banks will usually be lower than rates from money changers in malls or in small shops on the street.
Ask at your hotel concierge or at information booths in malls, "Where is the nearest money changer?"
Check the rates online then compare to the rates offered by various money changers.
At Marquee Mall in Angeles City there are three money changers. One on ground level at the front of the mall with a outside door, one on the third floor and another inside of Metro Department Store. From time to time their rates differ. Usually the difference will be small but it may be worth the walk to check their rates before exchanging your money. The first two usually had the best rates.
On Fields Avenue in Angeles City there are a couple of money changer booths in store fronts at the sidewalk. Just ask, any security guard, by any business, where they are. If you use them just be aware of who is around you and hide your wallet as you put the money in it. Then keep your hand on it.
Don't be surprised if a beggar has been watching you the whole time and approaches you to ask for money. You may want to give them 5 or 10 pesos. Beware of pick pockets. I have changed money at those locations and also in malls and banks. The banks and malls are the most secure places to change money. But, even then, keep an eye out for who might be watching or following you (even in the malls) and evade them. And I have read stories about how bank employees or even security guards may use cell phones to tell partners on the outside to be on the lookout for you. Never carry large sums of cash. You may request a security guard to accompany you to your car.
Probably the best bank for foreigners is Bank of the Philippine Island (BPI).
I have had an account at Banco de Oro (BDO). The problem there is that they charge a fee to deposit money and another fee to withdraw money. Imagine that and the fact that you must stand in line for up to 45 minutes to make a transaction (that is the case at the branch in SM City Clark in Angeles City and at other branches).
There is a BPI bank at Marquee Mall close to the front entrance. There one may sit on a cushioned bench while waiting to see a teller or a bank officer. And there are no deposit or withdrawal fees.
Banks can change your currency or you may use one of the money changers in Marquee Mall. Just ask any security guard where the money changers are located. In 2012 there was a Western Union outside on the ground floor near the BPI bank and there was a money changer located on the 3rd floor.
Find a BPI branch near you by using this branch locator.
Interesting fact: SM malls house BDO and China Bank.
Ayala Malls house BPI and a couple of other banks.
Read more about money and banks in the Philippines.
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This article will be expanded. Please check back for more information about money changers or currency exchange in the Philippines. This page last updated July 18, 2022.